Appliance Modules
Appliance Modules
You can do it all, without doing anything
Have your lights automatically dim as the house brightens, switch off a forgotten appliance from miles away, or give the appearance that you're at home even when you're out of town.

A Small Change Brings Big Energy Gains

Teach them your Routine

Lights off at 10:30? On again at 7am? Off while you're at work? You can program your lights to follow a set schedule so that you'll never leave a light burning unnecessarily. Smarter lights = smaller energy bill.

Did I Leave the Oven On?

Use appliance modules for commonly used appliances like ovens, curling irons, and more. No more worrying about whether you've left an energy-sucking (and potentially dangerous) appliance on. Switch it off remotely from the Capitol Control app.

Trick Intruders

A home with lights and TVs on looks occupied, sending intruders looking for another target. Set a schedule while you're on vacation so that your home looks buzzing with activity, even when you're on a beach in Hawaii.

It All Works Together
All of our products work together to create an integrated smart home system. Get in touch to start building your own custom package today.
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